Why I’m Running

I am grateful for the wonderful people of Heidelberg and committed to improving our Township Government’s response to community needs. This year’s election is critical. Your participation determines the future of Heidelberg Township. My plan is simple and based on just four principles. I am committed to:

Respect and Transparency

  • Township Government exists in service to the community.
    • Currently, we are treated with disrespect, lies and intimidation at our township meetings and in our requests for service from the township.
  • Publish all agendas, meeting minutes, bids, right to knows, and budgets on the Township website.
    • Currently, the budgets summaries lack any detail, whole years worth of budgets are missing, minutes are inadequate, meeting recordings are deleted after two weeks, and both right to knows and bids are not even included. This is unacceptable.
  • Open, organized, efficient Township meetings. Make time for productive discussion.
    • Currently, meetings are run for the purpose of preventing discussion in order to protect Supervisors from their bad choices and broken promises.

Cutting Costs / Reduce Taxes

  • Fund any water company improvements with grants.
    • Currently, the township taxpayers have spent over $25K worth of red tape, with no work being done in the last three years. No grants have been written.
  • Obtain bids for Tar-and-Chip and receive one year warranty.
    • In 2023 the Township has done NO road repaving and NO road sealing. This puts us a year behind our scheduled maintenance. How can we affordably make that up? This will cost us a lot of money in the long run!
  • Staff the office with two part time positions: Secretary and Treasurer.
    • Currently, we have three part time employees to do the work of two, and office salaries have doubled in the past two years. We are a small, rural township. By limiting our staff to two, we avoid the pressures of a big bureaucracy.

Keeping Heidelberg Rural

  • No new developments. I strongly endorse our township’s restrictive zoning ordinances, which limit development, eliminating the need for public utilities like water and sewer.
  • I will never support Heidelberg changing ordinances to allow for more development.
  • Recognize and support our farmers by keeping property taxes low.

Township Safety

  • Police need our support and respect.
  • Our new EMS needs our input to provide affordable services.
  • Raise awareness of emergency management needs and coordinate efforts with other townships and agencies.
  • Assist our Fire Department in fundraising, tapping into grants and in partnership with local businesses.